

We are a thriving group of legal document preparers concerned about citizen’s access to the legal system. There is a wealth of readily available legal information, if only you know where to look. We share with consumers legal information we have collected; and seek to support consumer rights by helping to provide easy access to information and the legal system. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service and information in the industry. 

To contact our association directly call 800-515-0496 or email staff@faldp.org or complete any of the contact forms throughout this site, including at the bottom of this page.

~ The FALDP Story ~

The Beginning ...

In the spring of 2010, Ruth Tick, responded to a craigslist ad. The owner of a popular legal document site, needed someone to do research and write content for his site.

Ruth Tick went to work answering inquiries as they came in, sometimes as many as 30 a day. One day, Ruth emailed the site owner, and told him she had an idea. Later that day, when they spoke on the phone they discovered that they had both come up with the identical idea. FALDP was born!

The rest is history ... the site went live in May 2010. 

Since May 2010, FALDP has:

  • Published multiple pro se self-help ebooks and print editions,
  • Added many informational pages,
  • Published our newsletter "The FALDP Docket" every month since May 2010.
  • Continued to develop online document preparation courses - now offering fifteen online courses,
  • Created two Turn Key Business bundles for start-ups, Then consolidated the best of both bundles to a single Premium Turn Key Business Bundle.
  • Translated key pages into Spanish,
  • Published results of a survey for pro se litigants - the second pro se survey is in progress,
  • Continues to foster credibility in the industry, and professional excellence among the membership
  • Registered as a vendor for the Florida Department of Vocational Rehab.
  • Hosted 10 annual conferences
  • As of 2016 - offering FALDP Certification

We work together to create a culture of collaboration among our members - colleagues first, competitors second. Our overarching goal is to assist pro se litigants. We, the members of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers, deeply believe that it is the right of all American consumers to have access to the legal system, regardless of income or education. It is our mission to deliver well researched legal information to consumers.

The FALDP mission embodies our quest and our goals. We offer legal information; and document preparation assistance. We hope that by educating consumers about their legal rights -- we will have done our part to give others hope.

The FALDP mission is a journey. We have only begun, there is much to do. We hope that the confidence gained through education and knowledge will empower consumers, so they may have a fighting chance to enforce or pursue their rights in a court of law.

Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, "The FALDP Docket" to stay informed about upcoming events, news that affects document preparers, and emerging issues regarding consumer's access to the legal system. We have a strict no spam policy and will never use your email for any other purpose.

FALDP logo - horizontal format

Our newsletter is published mid-month. (We occasionally publish a special edition.) Back issues of our newsletter are archived here.

You might like these

  • FALDP Members' Pledge

    FALDP Members must agree to and acknowledge the FALDP Members Pledge. 800-515-0496

  • Mission Statement

    The Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers seek to provide easy to understand legal information to consumers; and promote access to the legal system. 800-515-0496

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