
Legal Document Preparers' Resources

We offer Florida legal document preparers online courses, legal information, and services. We are a voluntary trade association for Florida legal document preparers. Our members prepare documents for:

Family Law * Bankruptcy *  Immigration *  Wills * Small Claims * Family Adoptions * Divorce * Disestablishment of Paternity * Summary Administration of Estate * and more.  This site is home to a thriving community of Florida legal document preparers dedicated to assisting pro se litigants. If you are a document preparer or a paralegal interested in becoming a part of a movement that is changing the world. Welcome. Explore our site at your leisure, and please contact us with any questions about membership, our industry, or access to the court system.

Ruth Recommends

Design Services

We offer design services through Horizon Research Network, LLC and Monarch Design. Visit our design site for information, pricing, and available services. Our design team is accustomed to building sites for document preparers, and is attuned to your specific wants and needs. Our team will even help you with the content and language to help you avoid UPL. And, we build custom whiteboard videos to help you promote your business. Special offer - 3 minutes of video (split into several short videos or one video lasting 3 minutes) - ONLY $300. 

Parenting Course

Parental Education and Family Stabilization Course is mandatory for all divorcing couples who have children; and all people seeking a paternity action. The cost is $29.99 and $14.99 for indigent.Here's the link directly to the - Parenting Course Affiliate opportunities for FALDP members who refer their customers to this DCF approved course. We offer English & Spanish versions.

My Florida Parenting Course

Member Benefits

  • Members gain credibility in the marketplace by displaying their FALDP membership logo.
  • Members must meet minimum standards which helps ensure compliance with UPL rules and regulations.
  • Members have easy access to information that affects the delivery of legal documents to consumers -- new and updated forms, law changes, etc.
  • Members have easy access to information that affects them -- approved form changes, changes in Florida statutes, best business practices, etc.
  • Members receive free exposure through a consumer's search by county, circuit, and expertise.
  • Members receive referrals as they come in from consumers making requests via contact forms, or when consumers call in. We make no guarantees as to the number of referrals a member document preparer may receive.
  • Members have access to professional products and services: Self Help publications, online courses, annual conference, and networking.

See our full text of Membership Benefits.

If you are a Legal Document Preparer, use the Contact Us page to request more information. 

Be sure to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, you don't need to be a member to subscribe The FALDP Docket to keep up to date with this very active website.

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Keep yourself informed of new laws, rule changes, and what's new in the document preparation world. Be sure to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, you don't need to be a member to subscribe The FALDP Docket to keep up to date with this very active website.

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