Our FALDP Self Help Guides take pro se litigants through the labyrinth of Florida legal forms, from DIY divorce to family adoptions. We developed this series of how to guides just for you. We are in the process of updating more of our Self-Help Guides, please check back if you don't find the book you're looking for. We have several updated/ revised editions in progress. Visit the Author's Spotlight - https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/FALDP ..
"You've Been Sued!"
Paperback $19.95
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This FALDP Self-Help Guide is a vital resource for any Floridian who has been sued in civil court and intends to "go pro se". FALDP, the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers strives to educate consumers about their rights to access the legal system.
"Family Adoption in Florida"
Paperback $36.99
Guide, procedure and forms for adoptions in Florida by Grandparents, Stepparent, and close family relatives. FALDP Self Help Guide series. Includes updated content, new forms, all available Florida Supreme Court forms, adoption scenarios, adoption checklist, and step by step instructions.
Legal Sunshine - 15 Essays includes essays that focus on the business of legal document preparation, unauthorized practice of law, and pro se rights.
Paperback - $19.95
Legal Sunshine - 15 Essays focus on the business of legal document preparation, unauthorized practice of law, and pro se rights. The author, Ruth Tick, is the founder and director of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers. Some of the essays first appeared on the FALDP website - www.faldp.org and others first appeared on the blog - Legal Sunshine located online at http://f-a-l-d-p.blogspot.com
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