
FALDP legal Document preparer business Membership

Returning Members

Members who renew in May will pay $75
Members who renew in June will pay $85
Members who renew from July 1st on will pay $166.00

  • AVOID UPL: All FALDP members are required to take our online course annually.

New Members

  • MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: FALDP holds one annual membership drive for new members and offers membership discounts. New members can join between January 1 and February 28 for only $150.00. New members who join in January or February will not have to renew until June 1, 2025. 

Includes Membership through May 31, 2025 + Avoid UPL Course. After receiving payment and your application, we will contact you by phone to answer any questions you may have.

Once we have received your membership payment, your completed application, and your membership has been approved; we will send you a welcome package via email. We  need to speak to all prospective members when you apply for membership and submit payment. This phone conversation is part of the membership approval process. If we are not able to approve your membership, we will refund your membership fee. Please do not submit an application without payment. If you need to learn more about our association before joining, or you're not sure about your eligibility, please call 800-515-0496. 

  • AVOID UPL: All new FALDP members are required to take our online course annually.
  • MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: FALDP holds one annual membership drive for new members and offers membership discounts. New members can join between January 1 and February 28 for only $150.00. New members who join in January or February will not have to renew until June 1, 2025. 

 Your welcome package includes FALDP logos for you to use in your advertising, instructions about how to have your information added to the Member Directory, FALDP Certification Fact Sheet, and other information for your reference. 

We require all members to take our "Avoid UPL" online Course. New and returning members must complete the Avoid UPL! course within 30 days of joining.



Check the box below and Enter Page to accept and acknowledge our Terms of Service & Submit Your Application

I accept:

Membership Benefits

Credibility - Our logo is recognized throughout Florida. Consumers can easily learn more about FALDP members by researching the member on our site, or calling us for more information. Through our FALDP Certification program, consumers can easily see which members have taken the extra steps to become FALDP Certified

Exposure - Members place their business information in their home county in our Membership Directory. In addition we place members information in our ALL Member Directory Members are also entitled to their own Mini-Page on our site where members can display additional information about their business, including graphics, photos, logos, and more. 

Coming Soon - Members will be able to choose to display their services in  underserved counties.

Referrals When consumers call in we refer them to two or more of our members. We have no way of knowing how many referrals a member may receive throughout the year. The best way to ensure you'll receive referrals to to make sure the information on the Member Directory is clear and current. When consumers send us a message through one of the many forms on our site, we forward the inquiry directly to a single member.


  • Review the information on this page regarding your eligibility located elsewhere on this page.
  • Take and pass the Entrance Exam which is linked to this page (scroll down)
  • Accept our Policies/ Terms of Service
  • Submit your Membership Application
  • Submitted the Membership Fee
  • Read the FALDP Pledge
Legacy logoLegacy logo
2021 logoupdated logo

New Members - Please make sure you have passed the entrance prior to submitting a Membership Application. Returning members, please submit a membership application.

Membership Eligibility

Minimum Credentials for membership in the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers:

  • Completing at least one content specific course, or;
  • Two years experience preparing Florida legal documents, or;
  • Two year paralegal course, or;
  • Purchased one of our Business Bundles;
  • A combination of related professional experience and education, and
  • Above average proficiency in spoken and written English;
  • Acknowledges and agrees to follow the rules set forth by the Florida Bar Association and the Florida Supreme Court regarding UPL;
  • Agrees to refrain from offering legal advice, and to refrain from representing themselves as legal experts.
  • Must be a bona fide Florida resident.
  • Agrees to abide by the FALDP Pledge.

Membership Policies

Membership Fees & Renewals:

  • RENEWALS: Members who renew during May will pay $75. for membership. Members who renew in June will pay $85. for membership. 
  • AVOID UPL: All FALDP members are required to take our online course "Avoid UPL". Members are required to take the Avoid UPL! course annually.
  • MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: FALDP holds one annual membership drive for new members and offers membership discounts. New members can join between January 1 and February 28 for only $150 Members who joined in January or February are required to renew their membership no later than July 31 of the year they join.  On July 1, the membership fee increases to the full price of $166.00 
  • New members who join in March, April or May will not need to renew their membership that year.
  • New members who join in January or February will not need to renew their membership that year.
  • All memberships renew on June 1, with early membership renewal beginning on May 1, and membership renewal with no penalty extending through July 31. Membership fees are not pro-rated.
  • Renewal notices are sent out via email, and renewal date reminders are posted on this site and in our monthly newsletters. Members who have not paid their membership renewal fee and who have not made or kept payment arrangements will be dropped from the membership roster in August.

FALDP logo and display:

  • Members may request an FALDP video logo to be used online, in online advertising, their websites, and in social media.
  • We expect our members to use good judgment in displaying the FALDP mark, logo, and video logo on social media. 
  • FALDP Members in good standing are specifically authorized and encouraged to display the FALDP logo in any and all of their advertising, including flyers, websites, business cards, etc. Members who have a website are required to display the FALDP logo on their site.
  • Document preparers who fail to renew after August 1, must remove the FALDP logo from all advertising materials immediately. The FALDP logo is a registered mark. Document preparers who display the FALDP logo and are not FALDP members in good standing are infringing on a registered mark, and are subject to liquidated damages up to $5000.

Background and Ethics:

  • FALDP reserves the right to prohibit or terminate membership for cause; including but not limited to consumer complaints, price gouging, unethical business practices, illegal activity, poor character, unauthorized practice of law violations, and any other reason that may discredit this association.
  • Members of the Florida Bar are not suited for membership in this association.
  • Retired attorneys, attorneys from other countries, and attorneys from other states who are not members of the Florida Bar are welcome to apply for membership. Attorneys practicing law in Florida are not suited for membership in this association.
  • Members may work for attorneys as paralegals while maintaining active FALDP Membership. However, FALDP members may not have any business partnership with an attorney. 
  • FALDP promotes and supports the legal document preparation industry. Specifically we support businesses and individuals that provide document preparation assistance directly to consumers. Businesses that sell blank forms and form packets; and do not prepare those forms for consumers are not suited for FALDP membership.
  • Businesses and individuals that provide online services only for automated document preparation services are generally not suited for FALDP membership.
  • Non-profit corporations are generally not suited for FALDP membership.
  • We accept members who are physically in another state. However, we require a business presence in Florida, such as registration of a foreign LLC; a Florida LLC; or a Florida DBA.
  • Certain types of prospective member's prior or current business activities may cause us to research your background. Your membership application which you submitted to us, is your authorization to conduct a background check if required. If we find: that you are a disbarred or suspended attorney; have charges, convictions, or allegations of fraud or crimes of dishonesty; are engaged in business activities which legal document preparers are specifically prohibited from engaging in, including but not limited to "medicaid planning", and "immigration consultant". We may decline your membership. You agree to forfeit up to $50 as payment for your background check as payment to FALDP for conducting that background check. We will refund the balance. 
  • Beginning October 1, 2022 applicants for membership will be required to submit a clean background check. 


  • All memberships are considered "premium" memberships. At one time we had two tiers of membership, basic and premium. We may reinstate a second tier of membership in the future.
  • As of January 2021, we require prospective members to pass the Entrance Exam prior to submitting an Application for Membership.
  • FALDP is not a lead provider. We are a trade association. We refer consumer leads to our members as they come in. We match the consumer to a member document preparer who may be able to prepare their documents. We make no promises as to the quantity of referrals you'll receive.
  • Members agree to refrain from soliciting other members to purchase anything including but not limited to products, software, systems, and affiliate programs which have not been endorsed and approved by FALDP.

Updated 1/1/2023

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