We offer this intensive training program to our FALDP members to help you better assist your customers. We know that preparing divorce documents for pro se litigants can be far more than just document preparation. Sometimes we also have to be the hand holder, the sounding board, and the voice of reason. Besides preparing documents, we almost always must provide legal information and translate legalese into English. During a divorce, your customers may be angry, sad, confused, and overwhelmed. Your job is to prepare the documents and explain procedure -- tell your customers what happens next, what to expect. The more you know, the more confident you are, the more relaxed and confident your customers will feel.
If you're just starting out and want to gain knowledge and confidence you will benefit from this series. Likewise, if you have prepared some divorce document sets and found that you're uncertain about some of the forms and procedures, you will also benefit from this series. There are two prerequisites:
The series is seven one hour Zoom sessions. Advance registration is required. The cost of the seven session series is $700. per person.
Check the box to register, and acknowledge that you have read and agree with the terms and conditions regarding our courses.
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