
All Course Bundle $2499.

Our courses are offered to learn the fundamentals of how to prepare specific document sets. These are informational courses and never meant to be legal advice. We bundle our courses to allow document preparers to receive course discounts. We also offer each of these courses as a stand alone course. Please visit our online courses page to learn more about individual courses. If you are interested in more than one course, the best value is to purchase one of our Course Bundles. And, please read About our Online Courses to learn about our policies. Our courses are open to anyone who is interested in the information, although they are definitely geared toward document preparers. You do not need to be a member of FALDP to take our courses. If you're a document preparer and not yet a member, learn more about joining on our membership page. Our All Course Bundle also includes the membership fee. Membership is pending approval.

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Our All Course Bundle includes sixteen online courses on topics for which consumers frequently request assistance. Document preparers may not offer legal advice or provide representation, however with accurate legal information, and professionally prepared documents, consumers have the tools to pursue their legal goals. Many consumers cannot begin to afford an attorney; without legal document preparers many consumers would have no choice but to forego their legal rights. 

Most courses include the necessary forms; and all courses include detailed information explaining how to assist pro se litigants. There is also additional information so that document preparers can better understand the issues that litigants face. Course outlines for individual courses are on the course registration page for each course. Learn more about our online courses

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Vocational Rehab. FALDP is a vendor for the State of Florida Department of Vocational Rehab. Eligible individuals can be funded through the DVR for supported self-employment and request that the DVR our All Course Bundle and other products and services in their behalf

About our Courses Learn more about our courses, policies, etc.

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