
All Course Bundle $2499.

Two Ways to Pay

  1. Send a check drawn on a Florida bank in the amount of $2499. made payable to FALDP, LLC to: FALDP, LLC, 13 Poplar Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164. Your canceled check is your receipt.
  2. Pay through PayPal. After submitting your registration form, you'll be redirected to our Thank You page which includes a payment feature. 

MORE Benefits included in this bundle:

In addition to all online courses we also include:

  1. Annual membership. For current members, we waive your next renewal fee, for new members we waive your initial membership fee. Initial  membership costs $166. and membership renewal costs $85. Please complete the Member Application for our records. 
  2. FALDP Certification is available for all members and is offered at an additional charge. 
  3. A listing in our Member Directory where you can advertise your services in your home county.
  4. We add your information to the All Member Directory
  5. Your own Mini-Page on our site linked to your advertisements on the Member Directory. Your Mini-Page is designed to allow you to share more information about you and your business.
  6. Each course is assigned a CEU value between 1 and 4 units which can be applied toward FALDP Certification.
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All Course Bundle

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Courses in this Bundle:

Please note: If for any reason, we cannot accept you as a member in our association, we'll refund you $166. which is the membership portion of the All Course Bundle. Our membership policies, including reasons we may deny your membership are within our Terms of Service and posted on our Membership Page.

Your membership fee is included within the price for your All Course Bundle. But, you also need to submit a membership application for our approval.

Small Claims course icon$239. Small Claims

Small Claims was added to our course offerings in January 2022, and we recently added it to our All Course Bundle. 

$179. Quick Start Guide$179. Quick Start Guide

Our Intensive Training Courses presented in person via Zoom are not included in our All Course Bundle. We now offer Intensive Training for Divorce Documents; and plan to release Intensive Training for Small Probate Documents soon. 

Our FALDP Quick Start Guide which is set to release on January 2, 2023 will not be included in our All Course Bundle until further notice. 

updated 12/27/2022

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