
Child support document training Course registration - 3 CEUs for FALDP Members

Child support can be a godsend to the receiver and a nightmare to the Payor. Either way, the point is to make sure that children are financially supported by both parents. Pro se consumers frequently need help with child support matters, because some of the processes can seem quite confusing. And whether paying child support or receiving child support, stress levels run high. 


I. Overview:

In this training course, learn the information and methods that go into calculating child support, child support modification, and child support enforcement.

II. Scenarios

Read about real life scenarios and how child support affects people's lives. Conscientious attention and vigilance is the only way for two parents who are no longer a couple to financially support their children. 

III. Initiating Child Support

Most commonly child support is initiated at time of divorce. Sometimes when parents were never married one or the other parent initiates a Paternity Action and a child support order is put into place at that time. In other instances, a single mother requests assistance in initiating child support from the Department of Revenue.

IV. Child Support Payments

Child support should be calculated so that both parents financially support their children. This is the intent of public policy and the reason that Florida has put into place a formal process to calculate child support. Learn about the process, and how to calculate child support using the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet.

V. Modification

You'll learn how and when parents can request a change in the child support amount they owe, or the amount paid to them in the child's behalf. 

VI. Child Support Enforcement

Pro se litigants are frequently unaware of the steps they can take to enforce child support payments. Document preparers can assist in the process by providing legal information, explaining procedure, and preparing documents.


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VII. Forms:

The forms needed to prepare documents for child support calculation, modification, and enforcement are included in this course.

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