
College Bound Forms, LLC

A few years ago, I was having lunch with a friend who told me a horrific story that she had recently went through with her twenty year old daughter. I learned that my friend had received a call from a hospital that her daughter who was six hours away at college was involved in a serious life-threatening accident. It was then that the person calling from the hospital asked my friend if she had a Designation of Health Care Surrogate or a Power of Attorney. My friend said what does this have to do with my daughter? My friend remembers them saying something about HIPAA and her daughter was over the age of 18 and they could not release the details of her medical condition. Thankfully by the time my friend drove 6 hours to the hospital her daughter was conscious and she was able to find out the details on her condition. As I was listening to this story all I could think of was my daughter who had recently turned 18 and was getting ready to go off to college. What if this happens to her? I had worked in the legal field for almost 30 years and I was shocked to learn that even though my daughter still lived at home and I paid the medical insurance that since she was 18 years old and considered an adult, I would be powerless in the medical decisions if she was rendered incapacitated. This is something that no parent should ever have to go through. It was then that I did the research and learned that this could be avoided with a couple of simple forms.

  • -A Designation of Health Care Surrogate
  • -Durable General Power of Attorney
  • - A Living Will
  • - HIPAA Authorization

I became a legal document preparer and have put my energy into making sure that parents are aware that if the unthinkable happens to your child they had the necessary forms in place to be the person to make the medical and financial decisions. Whether you child is away at college or even lives at home and is over the age of 18 these forms will allow the parent to handle the medical and financial decisions if their child becomes incapacitated or in an altered mental state and not able to make those decisions. Hopefully you will never have to use these forms but having these forms will provide peace of mind. 

Please contact me at (561)559-1414 or visit my website at www.collegeboundforms.com

College Bound Forms, LLC ~Dawn Keating ~Jupiter, FL

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