No one begins a marriage or relationship planning for it to end. The fact is that some marriages and some relationships don't last. Depending on the length of the relationship, the couple's lives may be deeply intertwined. Untangling the many aspects of any relationship takes forethought and careful consideration. When there are children of the marriage the need to think and plan ahead is even more important. The lives that a couple brought into this world should not be permanently damaged because their parents could not get along.
If you're contemplating divorce, need to assert your paternal rights, or at the beginning stages of either process you need this course for your own peace of mind. Separating households and moving on with your life is too important to just wing it. There is too much at stake to fly blind. You need the information, the soul searching, the goal setting, and the careful consideration that this course provides.
For a limited time, Part II of this course will be free to all who complete Part I. (Save $59). Do yourself a favor - arm yourself with the information you need to make your best decisions. Register now by submitting the form at the bottom of this page.
The purpose of the online preparedness course is to help people think ahead so that the best outcome can be realized. None of this is easy. It isn't easy to end a relationship. It isn't easy to think ahead when there is so much unknown. Armoring yourself with knowledge,learning what you may be entitled to, understanding how to pursue your rights, and looking out for your children's well being will help make the process smoother and less intimidating.
As with most myths, some of these are sometimes true, but none of them are ALWAYS true.
The decision is yours. There are pros and cons to both. Not everyone is cut out to self-represent in court, but many cannot afford an attorney. When consumers ask us whether they need an attorney for their divorce, the answer is always the same. If you think you may need an attorney - then you probably do. That said, we are the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers with members throughout the state who can prepare your documents for you. Florida allows attorneys to offer unbundled services for family law matters. Sometimes, a couple thinks that they are in complete agreement regarding their divorce, only to find out sometime along the way - that they're not. This juncture may be the time to retain an attorney. Others couples may have legal questions that are beyond the scope of our preparedness course, and beyond the services of a legal document preparer. In those cases, by all means seek legal advice. We are not, and never have been "anti-attorney". As with all things, there is a time and place for everything.
Our course is set up in two parts, each part costs $59.00. The first part focuses on the emotional aspects of divorce. It also includes information about how to save your relationship. You loved this person once. And if you're able to save your marriage or relationship, you both may be stronger for it.
The first part of our course is now open. The second part will be open soon. You must complete the first course, before enrolling in the second part.
After completing the first part of this course, you'll be invited to enroll in the second part. Part II focuses on the practical aspects of your separation. The goal is to provide you with enough information so that your fear of the unknown will be minimized. If you know what to expect, then you can plan for it. Over the years, we have spoken with all too many divorced and separated couples that had to learn each step the hard way. We encourage you to keep an open mind, and put your fear, anger, and hurt aside. Try to learn how to have a "successful" separation and look forward to your new life ahead.
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