
FALDP Certification and renewal

If you are seeking FALDP Certification, adding Focus Area(s), or renewing your certification please complete the appropriate form below.

For initial FALDP Certification a Paypal Buy Now Button will appear on the Thank You page after you submit the form.  Make sure that you have completed all of your 10 CEUs, passed at least one Focus Area Exam, passed the Basic Skills & Knowledge Exam, and submitted the Basic Skills & Knowledge Essay. Once you process your certification, your name and information will be added to the FALDP Certified page, and the FALDP Certified logo on your Member Directory Listing.

To maintain FALDP Certification you must complete at least 10 CEU's each year and submit the FALDP Certification Form. Renewal forms must be submitted no later than July 31 of each year. 

Certification Renewal

FALDP Certification

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Initial Certification or Add Focus Areas

FALDP Certification

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


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