Orange County was originally named Mosquito County when it was created in 1824. It was renamed Orange County in 1845 for the fruit that was the county's main fact the citrus industry is one of the biggest in Florida.
Family Law, Modifications, Answers, Civil Lawsuits, Response Letter, Durable Power of Attorney, Estate Planning. Much More.
We provide immigration documents preparation services, we believe helping others achieve vital goals at a cost they can afford is a direct way to help building a better empower skilled, valuable and decent people to fully develop their potential is the key for a healthy community, helping our customers in this journey is our biggest passion.
We prepare:
Andres Jimenez ~ Phone: (786)236-7984 ~ web: ~ email:
Legal Document Services of Central Florida is a legal service provider, that specializes in legal document preparation. We are experienced legal document preparers that offer high quality services at affordable prices. We are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice or representation. Legal document preparers support the public with their legal matters without the cost of an attorney.
We can assist you with the
following legal matters:
Due to the current
Covid-19 pandemic we understand your health concerns, so we do offer
virtual conferences, electronic signature, and virtual notary
services for your convenience. We try to make this process as easy as
we can for you, so that your health is not at risk.
7091 Grand National Drive; Suite 106 ~ Orlando, Florida 32819 ~ Phone:407-751-4475 ~ Franchesca Kerr ~
We help you prepare simplified divorces (no property – no children), divorces where the other party location is unknown. Experienced Non-lawyer. Te ayudamos con la preparación de divorcios simplificados (sin propiedad – sin hijos), divorcios donde se desconoce el paradero de la otra parte. Paralegal con experiencia.
We do notary and apostille services. Hacemos servicios de notaria y apostillado
We also do translation services (Spanish/English). Tambien hacemos servicios de traducion (Español/Ingles)
Call us, send us a text message or email. Available on WhatsApp. Llamanos, envianos un mensaje de texto o email. Disponible en WhatsApp
Ph/Tel. (407) 603-1650 ~email: ~ Claudia Felix *Not an attorney
Alfredia Siplen, Legal Document Preparer ~ 321-299-0424 ~
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