The filing fees are as stated in the above answer, but there are other fees that have to be paid as well. You may have to pay for your credit report if you have already pulled your free annual credit report. CREDIT REPORTS AND SCORES How much does it cost to get a copy of my credit report if I've already received all of my free credit reports? UPDATED 1/6/2015 By law, a credit reporting company can charge no more than $12.00 for a credit report. According to,
You must also take a pre-filing credit counseling course and a post filing credit course
After you finish the briefing, you will receive a certificate that you will need to file in your bankruptcy case. One of the forms you have to file is Form B23 (official form 23)(12/13), which is the Debtors Certification of Completion of Post Petition Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management
Bankruptcy Filing Fees by: FALDP Staff
According to
Fees to File a Bankruptcy Petition Effective June 1, 2014, the total fees you must pay to file a bankruptcy petition are:
$335 for Chapter 7 $310 for Chapter 13
In addition you can request a payment plan for your filing fees; or request a fee waiver.