
Comments for Can I successfully change file a motion to transfer my divorce/custody case from Lake County, FL to Orange County, FL?

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Change of Venue ~ a plea of help from a desperate mom
by: Myra

My eldest daughter has temporary guardianship of my teen daughter. The motion was filed in Martin County Fl. My daughters now reside in Osceola County and I live in Orange County. I want to transfer custody case to Orlando Fl where I live. My daughters live in Kissimmee, Fl. From where should I obtain the documents? Also since I am a single mom, disabled, and going through financial hardship where can I get free legal attorney to advise me since, I want to obtain a change of custody due to a change in material circumstances. My eldest daughter refuses to let my minor child spend not even 4 days with me overnight, because my teen daughter has a dog and my eldest daughter does not want to baby sit my youngest child's dog, she also puts on excuses such as spend too much money on gas to bring my child to me, since, I do not have a car. Where I live they do not permit dogs. please advise me. My eldest daughter manipulates me and has taken advantage of my financial hardship and good nature. I desperately need help. Thank you.

Venue for Divorce with Children
by: Judi

You can file a Motion for Change of Venue based on inconvenience. The judges have discretion in awarding a change in venue, based on fairness to both parties. It is common that in a divorce case the venue is the county or circuit in which the children reside. According to Florida Statutes:

"47.011 Where actions may be begun. —Actions shall be brought only in the county where the defendant resides, where the cause of action accrued, or where the property in litigation is located. This section shall not apply to actions against nonresidents."

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