

by Teresa Johnson
(Laveen, AZ USA)

The FALDP is a great business establishment that has and will continue to help many Pro Se litigants by
providing and/or preparing legal documents on their behalf. I am very proud of Ms. Ruth Tick for
pursuing her vision to make this organization a reality for citizens of the State of Florida. Many people cannot afford to pay expensive attorney fees for documents that can be prepared and/or provided by a member of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers (LDP's). All individuals who become Legal Document Preparers are capable of preparing/providing documents, interacting with customers, sharing public information regarding
certain legal matters without giving legal advice as if he or she was a licensed attorney with this state. I believe that LDP's are in demand, and that demand will become higher as citizens become aware of this option for legal document preparation services. I also believe that LDP's are a great asset to
any state of people because there are millions of people all over the USA that need assist with
legal matters that does not deem necessary retaining an attorney.
I have discovered that many individuals - especially business owners are seeking Legal Document Preparers to handle typing services that they need of which will able them to save thousands of dollars, and successful outcomes for what they were seeking. There are many people who have and will continue to be self-represented in certain legal matters. Many of them will also seek Legal Document Preparers because this is a growing industry of which I believe is becoming more a demand than a fade. Citizens of the State of Florida have a great asset at their disposable - Legal Document Prepapers who are qualified to provide and/or prepare legal documents, and at the same time help them save hundreds and thousands in legal fees. Every citizens has the right to know that not all legal documents require an attorney's signature. Finally, I believe many citizens will embrace the FALDP for non-complex legal document services. I am very proud to be a member in good standing with the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers.
We have a very knowledgeable, trained, and professional Visionary/Founder who seeks nothing more than the opportunity to be able to serve individuals that are not represented by an attorney with legal document services in a manner that honors, and upholds all rules of the Florida State Bar.

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