
Comments for Do I have to be a resident of the county where I want to apply for Civil Indigent Status

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by: Anonymous

Does this application need to be notarized if i am not able to physically file it in the clerk of courts office?

Pay for Mediation under Civil Indigent Status?
by: Anonymous

According to Florida Statute 57.082 a person who has qualified for civil indigent status is not required to pay filing fees. Services are limited to filing fees; service of process; certified copies of orders or final judgments; a single photocopy of any court pleading, record, or instrument filed with the clerk; examining fees; MEDIATION SERVICES AND FEES; private court-appointed counsel fees; subpoena fees and services; service charges for collecting and disbursing funds; and any other cost or service arising out of pending litigation.

In accordance with F.S. 57.082, prepayment of costs to any court, clerk, or sheriff is not required and payment of filing fees is not required in any action if the party has obtained in each proceeding a certification of indigence.

Florida Statute 44.108: NO MEDIATION FEES shall be assessed under this subsection … against a party found to be indigent

Judith Byrd, Hinkle Legal Document Preparation
Sebring, FL

Residency is not a requirement of indigency statute
by: Gary Tinsley

The statute that provides for waiver of court costs in civil actions for a party who is indigent is FS 57.081. There is no requirement of residency in the county where the action is pending in the statute. You can get the application for Indigent Status from the clerk of court or at www.flcourts.org.

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