Florida is one of the few states that "illegal interception of oral communication" is a third degree felony. Notify the state attorney's office.
Illegal Wiretapping by: Staff FALDP
Dear Katy,
First understand that when you sue someone you sue in civil court and the punishment for a civil wrong is most often a fine or money damages. When someone has committed a crime the punishment could also be a fine but could also be criminal charges up to and including incarceration.
According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - www.privacyrights.org:
What can I do if I think my phone is tapped?
"If you think your phone line is wiretapped, call your local phone company. Most phone companies will inspect your lines for wiretap devices free of charge. If a tap is found, the phone company will check to see if it is authorized." ... and:
"If you discover that someone has intentionally intercepted your private phone conversations, you may be able to take legal action. If you or the phone company find an illegal tap, you should notify local law enforcement officials. In addition, you may want to consult an attorney".