Law suit for rent on a storage unit by: FALDP Staff
Hi Meaghan, You are correct as far as jurisdiction. The limit in Small Claims is $5000.; $5000 - $15,000 is County Court; and in excess of $15,000 is Circuit Civil. You would be filing a law suit to collect a debt. To my knowledge there are no forms for a complaint such as this, but you may be able to find samples or templates at your local law library or online. Do your research so that you know the exact elements that you need to include. You would then file your suit in court, and have the other party served. The other party has 20 days to answer the complaint. A Florida legal document preparer may be of some help. Although, we cannot draft the complaint for you, we can format it correctly and explain procedure. If you have questions please send us a contact form through this site or call 800-515-0496.