Comments for I want to file a lawsuit against a bank for returning items as unpaid when there was clearly funds available. This action ultimately affected my credibility and destroyed my financial profile
Dear Deb, I'm not sure how to answer your question. I only have a comment that might be helpful. It may seem like your bank was out to get you, but they may just have been following banking rules, or their own bank policy. It seems that bank policy sometimes works like this: the bank will return several smaller checks for insufficient funds and pay only the largest. For example, if you paid your mortgage for say, $500. and you had three smaller payments that added up to only $150. according to some banks policy, they would pay the $500. mortgage payment, and bounce the other three. Their reasoning is that the $500. payment is the most important. Or, you could interpret their action as wanting to make the money on three separate fees for insufficient funds.