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Petition to Determine Paternity and Related Relief
by: FALDP Staff

In Florida, the question of whether or not unmarried Fathers have rights is complicated. First, if there is no prior court order governing timesharing or child support, Florida Statute 744.301 will apply. That statute states that:
"The mother of a child born out of wedlock is the natural guardian of the child and is entitled to primary residential care and custody of the child unless a court of competent jurisdiction enters an order stating otherwise."

BUT ... you may face opposition from the father and his mother. So be prepared. You stated that "you recently decided to take on responsibilities of being a mother ..." The court may not look favorably on your not taking responsibility until the child turned two years old.

The process in the court system is to file a Petition to Determine Paternity and Related Relief. That petition and other documents that must be filed along with it can be found on our site on the family law forms page and on the www.flcourts.org .

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