Post-Conviction Document Preparation includes information and forms about Early Termination of Probation; Expunge & Seal of Criminal Records; Restoration of Civil Rights; and Reputation Repair & Management. Florida is an unforgiving state. A criminal record never goes away without some action on the part of the offender. Even a criminal charge with no conviction continues to appear on background checks indefinitely, without taking the steps to have it removed. Early termination of probation and expunge/ seal of criminal records can be a life changer for someone who was charged with a crime. Many job applications ask whether the applicant is on probation or has been charged or convicted with a crime.
Assisting consumers with these documents is among the most rewarding types of document preparation to offer, and is in high demand. EVERYONE who is on probation wants to be OFF probation.
I - Early Termination of Probation
II - Expunge and Seal Criminal Records
III - Restoration of Civil Rights
IV - Reputation Repair & Management
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