
Comments for Small Claims/Circuit Court

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Owner, Docs In a Box
by: Denise

Monroe County, FL does have a small claims court; however, that is for claims $5,000 or less, excluding costs, interest and attorney fees, if you employ an attorney.

Here is a site that explains small claims in Monroe: https://gov.propertyinfo.com/fl-monroe/civil/coCivilSmallClaimsFAQ.html

The Monroe County Circuit Court, Civil Division, is where one would file a claim of $15,000 or more. See: https://gov.propertyinfo.com/fl-monroe/civil/cirCivilFAQ.html

Monroe County is located in the 16th Judicial Circuit. http://www.keyscourts.net/

The Monroe County County Court, Civil Division, would handle claims over $5,000 and under $15,000.

The court system runs as follows: Florida Supreme Court > District Court of Appeals > Circuit Court > County Court > Small Claims Court.

I hope this gives you enough information for what you need.

Denise Wells
Docs In a Box
Virtually serving the State of Florida
(561) 206-2207

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