
Comments for Why someone is denied early probation termination?

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Reasons for denial of early termination of probation
by: Staff

Hi Tabitha,
According to Florida Statute - 948.04 Period of probation; duty of probationer; early termination.— "(3) If the probationer has performed satisfactorily, has not been found in violation of any terms or conditions of supervision, and has met all financial sanctions imposed by the court, including, but not limited to, fines, court costs, and restitution, the Department of Corrections may recommend early termination of probation to the court at any time before the scheduled termination date."

To be granted early termination of probation, the probationer should have completed approximately half of his/her probationary sentence; paid all fees, fines, and costs; completed all conditions such as classes or community service; and have not been violated or reoffended.

If you need help preparing the documents for early termination of probation, please contact us through one of the many contact forms on our site. Or call 800-515-0496

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